Breakdown in Industrial Relations – Serco Caledonian Sleeper

Our ref: BR2/14/2

15th December 2015

Dear Colleague

Breakdown in Industrial Relations – Serco Caledonian Sleeper

Further to my previous correspondence with regards to the above matter, I write to advise members that the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast        64    
Number Voting ‘YES’        58    
Number Voting ‘NO’        6    
Spoilt Papers            0    

Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast        64
Number Voting ‘YES’        60
Number Voting ‘NO’        4
Spoilt Papers            0

This matter is currently being considered by your union’s Executive Committee and I shall write to you again shortly.

Best wishes.
Mick Cash
General Secretary