Competency Skills Framework – Wessex (Rail Testing & Lubrication) – Network Rail Maintenance

Our Ref: BR4/11/3


29 March 2019



Dear colleague


Competency Skills Framework – Wessex (Rail Testing & Lubrication) – Network Rail Maintenance


The referendum of you and your colleagues in the Wessex Rail Testing and Lubrication Team over Network Rail’s proposals to develop a competency and skills framework has concluded and the result is as follows:


Are you prepared to accept the company’s offer?

Total votes cast


Number voting YES


Number voting NO



The proposals are therefore accepted and this has been noted by your National Executive Committee and I have advised the company of this.


I would just like to place on record my personal thanks to you for supporting your union’s position over these proposals and would particularly draw your attention to the work of your representatives, who have worked tirelessly for many years on gaining you such a positive outcome.



Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary