Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – Voith (Alstom Virgin Trains Contract)

9TH September 2013


Dear colleague,

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – Voith (Alstom Virgin Trains Contract)

Referring to my previous circular IR/490/13 dated 21st August 2013, the referendum has concluded and the result has been considered by the GGC which has taken the following decision:-

“That we declare the referendum result as follows:

Are you prepared to accept the company’s offer?

Total Votes Cast… 182
Number Voting ‘Yes’… 148
Number Voting ‘No’… 33
Spoilt Papers… 1

The company has been informed of our acceptance and I have requested that the increase and any back monies are paid at the earliest opportunity.

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 – ISS (East Coast)

Referring to my previous circular IR/320/13, 30th May 2013, the matter has been the subject of a meeting between the GGC and our representatives. At this meeting, the company’s so-called improved offer was rejected and the GGC has taken the decision to call for fresh strike action which is as follows:-

Members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

• 00:01 hours and 23:59 hours on Monday 16th September 2013

Picket lines are to be held at both Kings Cross and York stations and I would be grateful if you could give your full support to this action.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of your members.

Yours sincerely

Bob Crow
General Secretary