14th November 2018
Dear Colleague,
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2018 – Nemol
Referring to our previous correspondence, the referendum has concluded and the result is as follows:-
Total Votes Cast: 135
Number Voting ‘Yes’: 14
Number Voting ‘No’: 121
Spoilt Papers: 0
Noting your rejection of this offer, your National Executive Committee has instructed me to hold a ballot for industrial action of you and your colleagues to force Nemol back to negotiations so they can table an improved offer which would represent a significant financial increase to your pay and genuine enhancements to your terms and conditions.
The company has been informed of your rejection and the relevant notices have been served on Nemol in accordance with current legislation. Ballot papers will be posted to your home address in the very near future
Additionally, if there have been any changes to your job, your workplace location or your home address and contact details, please get in touch with us by contacting the national helpline on 0800 376 3706 or you can email info@rmt.org.uk
I will keep you advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary