Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2018 – South Western Railway

Our Ref: BR2/0001/SWR


25 April 2019



Dear colleague


Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2018 – South Western Railway


The referendum of you and your colleagues on South Western Railway’s pay offer has concluded and the result is as follows:


Are you prepared   to accept the company’s offer?

Total votes cast


Number voting   YES


Number voting NO


Spoilt papers



Your National Executive Committee has noted this result and instructed me to advise the company of your rejection of the offer and arrange an urgent meeting to discuss this result and that an improved offer must be forthcoming.


I can advise you that the NEC has also stated that, should no improved offer be forthcoming from the company, then it may decide to ballot all affected grades for industrial action.


I will of course keep you advised of all further developments in this matter.



Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary