Our Ref: RT/0001/L
26th September 2019
Dear Colleagues
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2019 – Leathams
Further to my previous correspondence on the above matter, the referendum has now concluded and the result is as follows:-
Question: Are you prepared to accept the company’s offer?
Total Votes Cast: 6
Number Voting ‘Yes’: 6
Number Voting ‘No’: 0
Spoilt Papers: 0
The details of the agreement are as follows:-
• A 1% salary increase with effect from 1st May 2019 and backdated accordingly.
• A further increase of 1% effective 1st October 2019.
Noting the result, the union’s National Executive Committee has instructed me to inform the company of our acceptance of the offer. This instruction has been carried out and I have requested that the increase and any back monies are paid at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary