Our Ref: TFL/0001/DCC
14th April 2023
Dear Colleague,
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2022 – Doppelmayr Cable Car
The referendum concluded yesterday with the following result:
Question: Are you prepared to accept the Company’s offer?
Votes Cast:9
Number Voting ‘Yes’:7
Number Voting ‘No’:2
The National Executive Committee has noted the result and I have advised the Company of our acceptance of the offer and asked that the increase, and backdated monies, is paid to you at the earliest opportunity. I will also be commencing negotiations for the 2023 pay review as a matter of urgency and will keep you advised of all further developments.
For your ease of reference, the accepted offer is as follows:-
A further 4% increase, backdated on basic pay to May 2022
This new offer represents an 8% increase in total which is a significant improvement and doubles the previous pay increase implemented by DCC in December.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary