Our Ref: SH/0001/DFDS
7 May 2024
Dear RMT Member
The referendum of you and your colleagues over the company’s pay offer has concluded and the result is as follows:
Do you accept the offer?
Total votes cast 10
Number voting YES 8
Number voting NO 2
To reiterate, the offer was as follows:
Deck and Engine Ratings
- 4% increase on salary back dated to 1st January 2024.
- 4% increase back dated to 1st January 2024 for Commercial Head rank.
- 5% increase back dated to 1st January 2024 for all other OBS ratings.
- A further increase will be made from 1st April to reflect NMW adjustments for relevant ranks.
In addition:
Assistant Chefs: Incremental increases to salary will be introduced from 1st April 2024 to acknowledge qualifications and experience to those in the rank of Assistant Chef. Salary will increase by £300 at 1 year of service, 2 years of service, 3 years of service and finally at 4 years of service.
Your union’s National Executive Committee has noted the result and thanked those who took part. Accordingly, the NEC has instructed me to advise the company of our acceptance and I will request that the offer is implemented as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary