Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2024 – First South West

Our Ref: B/0001/FSW

9th July 2024


Dear RMT Member 


Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2024 – First South West


Referring to previous correspondence, I write to advise you that the ballot has now closed and the result is as follows:


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        320                              

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                                    185                  

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  157                  

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                    27                    

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:      1                                  


Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        320                  

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                                    185                  

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  171                  

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                    14                    

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:      0                                  


I would like to congratulate all members on voting positively for industrial action in this ballot. The above results both exceed the statutory thresholds and the National Executive Committee has commended all First South West members for returning a mandate for action. The NEC has considered this matter and taken the decision to instruct all First South West members to take strike action and NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:


  • 00:01 hours on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 until 23:59 hours on Wednesday 24th July 2024


I urge you all to support the above action to demand that the Company return to talks immediately with an improved offer which meets your fair and decent aspirations for an increase to your rates of pay and improved conditions of service.





I will keep you advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely


Michael Lynch

General Secretary