Reorganisation & Reduction in Staffing - Stadler Merseyrail Contract

Our Ref: BR4/15/4

4th December 2020

Dear Colleagues


Further to previous correspondence on the above matter, the referendum has now concluded and the result is as follows:-

Members Eligible to Vote: 50
Total Votes Cast: 41 (82%)
Number Voting ‘YES’: 25 (61%)
Number Voting ‘NO’: 16 (39%)
Spoilt: 0

Noting the result, the National Executive Committee has instructed me to inform the company of our acceptance of their offer. This instruction has been carried out and I would like to place on record my thanks to all our Representatives for all their hard work in securing this offer over the 3 years and 28 meetings of negotiation.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary