AGM Item 14: Mental Health

Our Ref: HSR/1/9
8th October 2019
Head Office Circular NP/187/19

Dear Colleague


The following resolution was carried at the AGM 2019:

This AGM notes the increasing incidents of mental health in all industries. It has been the case that a wide range of employers are happy to announce and display that they have policies and procedures in place to combat and assist in the recovery of mental health issues and problems. However, many of these employers seem to think a written policy and maybe a plaque showing their intentions is enough to satisfy their obligations.

This union has a comprehensive and successful education strategy in all sectors including dealing with mental health issues and problems. This union stands above any employer in our commitment to educate in this field.

This conference instructs the General Secretary to take up with ALL employers that we, as a union, have recognition with, to commit to the paid release of ALL elected reps, in all workplaces, to take advantage of the RMT Mental Health Awareness Training.

We believe the actions of this resolution will give more support to our members when in need of help due to mental health issues in or out of the workplace.

At their meeting of 26th September 2019, the National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:

We instruct the General Secretary to take up this matter in line with the resolution.

Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.

I am acting in accordance with these instructions. Please make the contents of this Circular available to all appropriate members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary