Our Ref: HSR/1/2
Head Office Circular: NP/115/16
11th April 2016
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Asbestos Deaths
There continues to be asbestos all around the railway infrastructure and in other locations where we also organise. RMT Members are reminded almost monthly of the damage and loss that occurs amongst our members, families and friends due to the continuous attack on people’s health by asbestos and its fatal associated diseases. Members have called for the elimination and safe removal of asbestos from across all infrastructures, and to campaign politically and industrially to have this goal reached. Activities and campaigns planned include the following, and we fully expect this programme to develop and expand.
• Article on Asbestos Deaths and the development of the campaign will be in the April issue of RMT News.
• There will be a follow up article in the next issue of RMT News from Thompsons detailing in more detail the RMT asbestos register and how many members are protected by it against future claims, how much the PI team at Thompsons have secured in damages.
• Health and Safety RMT Conference 2016 had as its theme Cancer at Home - Cancer in the Workplace. All delegates to conference have received a copy of RMT/TUC Occupational Cancer – Workplace Guide.
• With regard to the high profile campaign it should be noted that the TUC is currently running a similar campaign “Remove this killer dust – make all workplaces asbestos free”. This campaign has broadly similar aims: A political campaign to force employers to survey their workplaces by 2022 and to have all asbestos removed by 2035. This campaign stems from an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Health and Safety report – “Why Britain needs an eradication law.”
• TUC are currently focusing on opposition to the Trade Union Bill but have indicated they would welcome support from affiliates.
The National Executive has taken the following decision:
“That we note the report on file and welcome the forthcoming articles on asbestos to be published in RMT News. We also note the TUC Asbestos Eradication Campaign and instruct the General Secretary to ensure RMT join this campaign. A further progress report to be placed back infront of the NEC during stats week of June 2016.
Branches and regional councils to be advised”
I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary