Our Ref: HSR/2/1
Head Office Circular: NP/196/18
8th October 2018
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I write further to Head Office Circular NP/0122/18, 4th July 2018.
The matter has been placed infront of your National Executive Committee and they have agreed the following decisions:
“That we note the information on file and the letter from the ITF in regards to lifeboat safety and the work they are undertaking in regards this matter.
We also note the invite from the ITF fro RMT to be part of their delegation at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) meeting which discusses these issues.
We also note the correspondence from the Bermudan flag state and that they are awaiting the report from the investigation that was carried out into the accident on 5th January 2018 on MV Arcadia.
We also note the booklet named Avoid Lifeboat Accidents that has been placed on file.
We therefore instruct the General Secretary to;
1. Ensure that an official of this union represents RMT on the ITF delegation at the IMO.
2. Issue this booklet to all branches with spheres of influence in the maritime sector.
3. To place all reports and updates back before the NEC.
All branches to be informed”.
I am in the process of carrying out those decisions.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary