Bus Matters – Fighting Covid19 – Having Confidence in control measures, methodology and enforcement

Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/294/21
5th August 2021
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


Further to Head Office Circular NP/242/21, dated 7th July 2021, your National Executive Committee (NEC) met on 5th August to discuss a report from its Health and Safety Sub-committee relating to correspondence received from the CPT (Confederation of Passenger Transport). This correspondence included the CPT briefing on face coverings (England only) and the guidance the Confederation sent to their Bus Operator members in connection with the Government’s confirmation that social distancing and face covering regulations would end on Sunday 18th July.

The report adopted by the NEC is as follows:

We note the correspondence from CPT on file.

We instruct the General Secretary to write to CPT thanking them for sharing with RMT representatives their correspondence with bus operator members relating to the Government’s relaxation/withdrawal of Covid-19 controls in mid-July.

The General Secretary is instructed to add in his letter concern that the CPT has followed Government advice on lifting all restrictions on bus capacity – when a more cautious approach was required necessitating restrictions on bus capacity, particularly as the wearing of face coverings is now voluntary and there is a high virus rate - and the virus is spreading freely in the community. Given this, the General Secretary is instructed to demand that CPT reviews its approach to this issue.

The General Secretary is further instructed to request from CPT the following information:

- How many passengers are now wearing face coverings? Was there a noticeable decline following the Governments relaxation of measures in July?

- Has there been an increase in passenger numbers following relaxation of measures and lifting of ‘work at home if you can do so’ instruction?

- Have concession bus travellers returned to bus travel?

- Does CPT know how many bus operators still have controls in place such as screens and blocking off seats by the driver?

- Have CPT bus operator members revised their Covid-19 risk assessment considering Government lifting of Covid-19 restrictions - and involved trade union representatives in this process, as per CPT request to do so?

I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary