Circular NP/94/24
4th April 2024
To: All branch secretaries, Regional Organisers
All Regional Offices
Dear Branch Secretary,
Please read about this important change which you need to be aware of!
I write further to previous correspondence explaining a new system for registering safety reps - to confirm that the new system begins on Monday 8th April 2024 (all branches covered by South East Regional Office - please continue as you were doing the trial, only different is the form has been tweaked slightly to take account of the issues you raised with it during the trial period).
Registration of new safety reps will be done through an electronic registration form Stages 1 and 2 below apply to branch secretaries, the remainder stages are shown for your information to explain how the new system works.
- Branch secretary to complete the electronic PDF form for registration of the new safety rep
- Branch secretary to email the completed form to their regional office
- Regional Office to amend Sodalitas to show the member is a safety rep - and to notify the reps employer if requested by the rep/ the branch secretary
- H&S section to carry out a fortnightly data extract of Sodalitas to return a list of H&S level 1 reps. The H&S section will then send a hardcopy letter to the new reps, enclosing their safety rep’s badge and an ID card. The full safety reps pack will be provided at Bob Crow Doncaster Education Centre when the rep starts their stage 1 H&S training. If the rep requires these items in hard copy beforehand, for example if they are doing TUC course /online training they are asked to write to health and safety section requesting these items
- Head Office Membership department will email new safety reps with information on reps training and support provided, as well as electric links to resources.
I hope that the above makes sense. Please address any questions to RMT health and safety section by emailing
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this new system which will ensure we have a more reliable system of registering new safety reps – something which will allow our reps to have a smoother start to their journey as a RMT safety rep.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary