Head Office Circular NP/270/20
Our Ref: HSR/2/1
3rd November 2020
Dear Colleague
RMT received an approach from Confidential Incident Reporting and Analysis Service (CIRAS), noting RMT’s interest in a campaign about its concerns regarding workplace abuse, with a view to teaming up with RMT to try and spread the message to make sure staff feel able to talk about workplace abuse, and also to RMT re-taking up our seat on the CIRAS Executive (which was held previously by the Health and Safety Officer).
Given the shared concerns regarding workplace abuse, CIRAS is very interested in teaming up with RMT in order to try and spread the message to make sure members feel able to talk about workplace abuse.
Many other issues of concern, most notably mental health and wellbeing, fall into the orbit of both CIRAS and RMT, and shared knowledge, experience and resources would, I believe, be of benefit to both organisations.
Your National Executive Committee, at its meeting on 29th October, noted and adopted the following report of its Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note the report from the SAGS. The General Secretary is instructed to advise CIRAS that the RMT Health and Safety Officer will take up the RMT’s seat on the CIRAS Executive.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary