Covid-19 - Wearing of face coverings for Drivers

Our Ref: HSR/1/3
24th June 2020
Head Office Circular NP/156/20
The Secretary
All Branches
All Regional Councils

Dear Colleagues


With the Government announcement that face coverings on public transport would be mandatory from 15th June 2020 the Chief Executive of the Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT), the trade association for the bus industry wrote to this union proposing working together to address practical issues around this question.

The matter was considered by the National Executive Committee who noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:

We note the correspondence on file and further note the introduction of legislation on the mandatory wearing of face masks on public transport. We instruct the General Secretary to write to CPT informing them that we wrote directly to the Secretary of State for Transport and that the RMT’s concerns were raised and resolved in a video conference arranged between the Department and this union. Further that we believe this matter to now be resolved.

Branches and Regional Council be advised.

I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you informed of developments. Please bring the contents of this Circular to the attention of relevant bus industry members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary