Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/135/22
10th June 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I received correspondence from Independent Sage as regards their Covid Safety Pledge requesting that RMT sign up to its campaign:
Even as life becomes more normal, coronavirus has not gone away. It poses particular risks for some groups, and we are still discovering the full extent of the impact of long-covid. We will see future strains of the virus and there is no guarantee that they will be milder or that reinfections won’t cause serious ill health.
Covid infection remains high but legal obligations (notably to self-isolate when testing positive for Covid) have been removed. It is critical that employers abide by best public health advice, that they do urge and support workers to stay at home when infected, and that the public know that they will not be served by staff who are carrying the virus.
It makes good public health sense to ensure that the shops, restaurants and offices we use are properly ventilated and that no-one is working while infected. But it also makes sound economic sense to give the public confidence that they can use these spaces in safety. Scroll further down to sign the pledge.
Sign the Pledge
By signing and displaying the COVID safety pledge, you are agreeing to the three main points of the pledge and to have consulted with employees, through the recognised trade union(s) where one exists.
You will be demonstrating an ongoing commitment to your customers, service users and employees that you are committed to their safety.
The pledge is gathering good traction with other unions. So far, amongst others, the STUC, Unison, PCS, UCU, IES and Hazards Campaign are signatories. Here is the website: https://www.covidpledge.co.uk/
Your National Executive Committee (NEC), at its meeting on 24th May, resolved as follows:
We instruct the General Secretary to:
- Sign the Independent Sage Covid safety pledge
- Display the pledge in all RMT premises
- Write to all employers where RMT have recognition to request that they sign the safety pledge and that where employers refuse to sign the pledge, that they explain their reasons for not signing.
Branches and Regional Councils to be informed accordingly.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary