East Midlands Bus Branch Resolution

Head Office Circular NP/274/20
Our Ref: HSR/1/3
3rd November 2020

Dear Colleague


The East Midlands Bus Branch passed the following resolution:

During the pandemic Stagecoach Group allowed its operating companies to adopt the correct change policy, where passengers placed cash into a scoop, which was then placed into a bag, the cash not touched by the driver until later in the day where hand washing facilities were available.

This policy ended when the schools went back on September 1st this minimised loss of revenue for the companies.

The infection rate has now risen higher than ever, with today's new cases reaching an astounding 19,724 and yet we are still expected to handle cash and give out change.

There is conflicting information about transfer of Covid from cash, with some sources saying that handling of cash is much like handling door handles and banisters, and while this is not a primary transmission method we feel that it is an unnecessary risk.

The drivers at East Midlands Bus want a return to the correct change policy as even a small risk is a risk too many.

We therefore call upon the NEC to instruct the general secretary to do the following:

To inform the company we are now in dispute with the company over their cash-handling instructions.

To prepare a ballot matrix of all affected members.

Arrange a meeting with the reps lead officer and the NEC at the earliest opportunity.

Your National Executive Committee, at its meeting on 29th October, noted and adopted the following report of its Health and Safety Sub-committee:

That we note the resolution from our East Midland Bus branch and the sentiments therein.

With areas across the country are now seeing a second spike and arise in the R number.

With tier 3 restrictions being put in place, the branch feel that the company have shown a total disregard for the well-being of our members on the front line.

At the height of the pandemic in April contactless payment and exact fare was introduced by the company to limit cash handling this was revoked on the 1st of September.

With infection rates rising and the knowledge we have gained from the first wave, it is absolutely essential that this safety measure is reintroduced to protect our bus driving members.

Accordingly we instruct the General Secretary to take this up in line with resolution.

Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.

I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary