Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular NP/309/24
23rd December 2024
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Your Midlands Regional Council submitted the following resolution:
This Branch notes that e-scooters have been banned from being transported on trains. The Branch understands that there have been several recorded incidents of the batteries bursting into flames and in extreme circumstances, exploding. This led to the unresolved concerns over the safety of e-scooters onboard trains and the subsequent banning of these devices from transportation on trains.
This Branch is also aware of a recent spate of incidents involving e-bikes where the batteries have exploded in flames leading in some cases to serious injury or death. We understand that conversion kits are available to purchase from a variety of outlets, to covert a conventional bike to an e-bike. Poor quality kits have been found to have caused severe fires. However, it is not possible for an untrained eye such as train crew to instantly, spot, which they would have to do during a short station stop, the difference between reputable conversion kits and others on the market. London Fire Brigade has warned that e-bikes are the fastest growing fire risk in the UK.
We believe that, like e-scooters, e-bikes currently pose a threat to the safety of a train when transported on board. This Branch, therefore, calls on the General Secretary to request the Minister for Railways, Transport Secretary or other appropriate Parliamentarian within the current Government to ban these devices as soon as is practically possible from all rail transport.
At its meeting on 12th December 2024 your NEC noted and adopted the following report from its health and safety subcommittee:
We note the resolution from our Midlands Regional Council for which it is thanked. We further note that the London Fire Brigade has warned that e-bikes are the fastest growing fire risk in the UK. The motion is in line with RMT policy, and we instruct the General Secretary to act in line with the sentiments of the resolution. We note that this matter has also been referred to the political subcommittee.
I am acting in line with these instructions.
Please bring this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary