Electronic Driving Licence Checks (a)

Dear Colleague,


Further to Network Rail’s proposals to outsource the electronic checking of driving licences held by their employees, the General Grades Committee adopted the following report from the National Sub-committee:

“We note the responses from our members and representatives concerning this matter containing a mixture of views and that over 9,000 emails were sent out over this matter.

Having considered this matter in detail the General Secretary is instructed to address the following:

1. That Network Rail should apply to electronically check driving licences itself with the appropriate authority being sought from the DVLA; this means Network Rail would hold all data and will negate the need for a currently unknown third party.

An email to be distributed to all our relevant members.

Regional Councils and Branches to be advised.”

I have written to the company expressing our sentiments in this matter and I will advise you of an update on this situation.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant and concerned members.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Crow

General Secretary