Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/195/21
4th June 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Network Rail wrote to me stating that the company would be moving to a “one stop shop” solution in conjunction with Hitachi. Rather than driving licence checks being completed every 6 months they will now be undertaken in line with the driver risk profile, categorised as follows:
• High Risk (10 or more points): monthly checks
• Medium/High Risk (7 to 9 points): 3 monthly checks
• Low Risk (0 to 6 points): 6 monthly checks
Your National Executive Committee, at its meeting on 3rd June, noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note the correspondence on file from Network Rail which seeks to introduce a new system without it having been consulted at the National Councils.
The General Secretary is instructed to write to Network Rail objecting to its proposal and its imposition without consultation in the agreed machinery and demanding that it formally consults with RMT at the National Councils.
In the meantime, the status quo to prevail.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised
I am acting in accordance with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary