EMR Traction Training During Lockdown

Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/73/21
5 March 2021

To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague

Traction Training During Lockdown – EMR

I write further to my circular of 27th January, “Traction Training During Lockdown” NP/41/21. I have recently received updated correspondence from from the RMT On Train Functional Council Representatives for EMR which notes that the company has given notice that it is intending to reintroduce traction training for 170 Units with effect from 8th March 2021. Our representatives are opposed to this reintroduction due to the heightened risk of infection while undertaking traction training.

The RMT National Executive met on 5 March 2021 to discuss this item and adopted the following resolution:

“Referring to decision NWW 21st January 2021, and noting the correspondence received. We instruct the general secretary to write to EMR demanding that traction training for our senior conductors on 170’s should remain suspended.

RMT reps have not reached agreement for this training to commence nor has any risk assessment been agreed with this union to allow resumption of traction training. We advise our members of Section 44 of the Employment Act, and to initiate Work Safe Procedure if unable to maintain social distancing safely.

Reps, Branches & Regional Councils to be informed.”

I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary