Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/289/21
05th August 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Your European Passenger Services (EPS) branch has submitted the following emergency resolution:
This branch notes
- that vaccinations without alternatives are being imposed on UK-based train managers who cross the continent
- that all train managers are expected to be vaccinated by the end of August, with threat of possible sanctions if they are not.
- that it is not clear on how SNCF is applying these regulations to other train crew entering France from other European countries
- that our sister unions in France are against disciplinary and financial sanctions, and threats to pressure their members into being vaccinated.
This branch further notes
- that France offers a negative testing alternative and;
- that EIL must talk to French authorities about using this method.
This branch instructs the General Secretary via the NEC to urgently seek formal legal advice in regard to the mandatory vaccinations for train crew and other members crossing the continent to undertake work for EIL.
At its meeting on 3rd August 2021, your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the report as below - which it had received from its Health and Safety Sub-committee, when it met to consider the EPS branch resolution.
That we note the resolution from our European Passenger Services Branch.
We instruct the General Secretary to carry out the instructions set out in the resolution.
Relevant Regional Councils, Branches and Members to be informed.
I am acting in line with these instructions.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary