Fatigue - RMT Proactivity on New Railway Fatigue Standard

Our ref: HSR

Head Office Circular: NP/303/24

17th December 2024

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague




Your Wishaw & Motherwell branch submitted the following resolution:


This Branch notes that the Office of Rail Regulation has recently changed and updated its guidance on rail staff fatigue, moving to a ‘plan, do, check, act’ approach.


We believe that this could drive massive change within the industry and have significant effect on working practices including 12 hour turns and travelling time. We further believe that the Union needs to be proactive in responding to the new ORR guidance, to avoid companies rushing to put arbitrary measures in place which do not meet the aspirations of members in terms of workplace safety.


This Branch calls on RMT to consider establishing a national working group, with a view to digesting the full content of this new guidance and formulating an action plan to ensure the best arrangements for all members. Combining this with RSSB guidance on the impacts of shift working would enable the Union to trigger a national debate that could bring positive change for all members.”


            Your National Executive Committee, at its meeting on 12th December 2024, noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety sub-committee:


“We thank the Wishaw & Motherwell branch for their resolution.


We are aware of “ORR guidance – Managing rail staff fatigue” and have taken action on this in connection with head office file, “ORR guidance – Managing Rail Staff Fatigue”.  Our last decision on this matter was dated 1st October 2024, and contained actions as follows:

  • Place the ORR guidance on the fatigue section of RMT web site
  • Request that the Lead Officer discuss the new guidance with ORR Chief Inspector, Richard Hines
  • Discuss the report with RMT NWR Lead reps at the NWR Joint Council meeting on 7/8/9th October

When the above actions are complete, we instruct the General Secretary to write a briefing doc for rail reps to use when negotiating new rosters.  


The General Secretary is still in the process of actioning the above.  Once complete we will revisit the requests contained in the Wishaw & Motherwell branch resolution.” 


            I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary