First Transpennine Express – Fair and Just Culture

Our Ref: HSR/2/29
Head Office Circular: NP/110/16
14th April 2016

The Secretary

Dear Colleague

First Transpennine Express – Fair and Just Culture

First Transpennine Express has been in intensive negotiations with RMT over a ‘Just Culture’ agreement. The agreement has been incorporated into the company’s Safety Management System under the heading of ‘Principles and Guidance for Accident Investigation’.
The National Executive has taken the following decision:

    “We note the report on file from our Regional Organiser and the recommendation that this policy is accepted by the union. Our representatives are to be congratulated on their efforts. RMT have invested considerable resource in developing a fair culture amongst Network Rail, its Principle Contractors and the Supply Chain. It is now time that this culture is extended to our members working for the train and freight operating companies. The General Secretary is therefore instructed to distribute the policy to our Regional Organisers and for Fair Culture policies to be included in our collective bargaining procedures. To support this, the General Secretary is further instructed to write to ATOC seeking a meeting to discuss extending such policies to all of the rail community.”
I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary