Gate Gourmet Group – Drug and Alcohol Policy

Our ref: HSR/1/1

Head Office Circular: NP/15/22

20th January 2022

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,




Further to Head Office Circular NP/447/21 of 10th December 2021, your National Executive Committee (NEC) met recently to discuss a report from its Health and Safety sub-committee relating to correspondence received from ORR (Office of the Road and Rail regulator) - following my letter to them explaining RMT concerns in relation to Gate Gourmet managers carrying out drug and alcohol testing. In connection with this when the NEC met on 18th January 2022 they noted and adopted the following report:


Since referral of this file into NEC H&S sub-committee RMT have received a brief report from the Lead Officer in which he explains that he is waiting for a meeting with the Company (who want to try and resolve this issue), also the ORR letter has been shared with the Lead Officer.


The General Secretary is instructed to respond to ORR letter, to object to managers carrying out D&A testing.  Not only on Gate Gourmet, but on any TOC or FOC - as D&A testing must be an independent process carried out by heath care professionals.


Additionally, the General Secretary is instructed to write to both LNER and Gate Gourmet to explain that it is unacceptable to RMT that managers are carrying out D&A tests – as RMT members must be confident that this is an independent process.


The General Secretary is also instructed to write to LNER in connection with the issues raised by ORR in their letter. The GS to establish in his correspondence with LNER:


  • their arrangements for due diligence in relation to contractors and how they ensure the competency of Gate Gourmet staff to undertake alcohol testing 
  • the outcomes from LNER’s monthly review Gate Gourmet D&A testing.


Branches and Regional Councils to be advised accordingly.


I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep members advised of any developments.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.


Yours sincerely



Michael Lynch

General Secretary