Head Office Circular NP/317/20
Our Ref: HSR/3/1
23rd December 2020
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Our Transport for Cornwall Branch (1506) submitted the following resolution to the National Executive Committee (NEC):
We Transport for Cornwall Branch (1506), ask the NEC to approach our employer, Go Cornwall Bus, 1Milehouse Road, Milehouse, Plymouth PL3 4AA in respect of inadequate welfare facilities throughout their Cornish operational area. Especially, a frequent lack of lavatory and hand washing facilities during the pandemic. Where temporary facilities are provided, they are mostly unhygienic, often poorly, sometimes never, cleaned.
There are Depots where electricity and mains water are supplied to site, but not connected. Meal breaks are not always supported with adequate welfare facilities. Temporary arrangements, such as taking a break in a car are becoming semi-permanent. Poor housekeeping by Cormac, the Council contractor, is dangerous to our team especially at St Austell.
We have been in service since 1st March. Progress in these areas should now be complete and is not. We request our Regional Officer is instructed, and supported, to satisfy himself concerns detailed in this resolution are resolved to the satisfaction of him, and our Area Workplace Representatives in the Branch, with the RO reporting back to the NEC that the issues are addressed within a reasonable time frame.
This resolution was considered by the NEC at their meeting on 22nd December 2020. The NEC adopted the following resolution:
That we note the resolution from our Transport for Cornwall Branch and the sentiments therein.
Accordingly instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our Lead officer and to place back in front of this NEC.
Relevant Branches and to be advised.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this Circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary