GTR Ontrak Agency Workers

Our ref: HSR

Head Office Circular: NP/145/24

14th June 2024

To: The Secretary

All branches and Regional Councils


Dear Colleague




Your NEC (National Executive Committee) met on 11th June 2024 to consider the resolution as below from RMT East Sussex Coastway branch – and an accompanying report from the Lead Officer. In connection with which this issue they agreed the following: 


We note the resolution from East Sussex Coastway Branch and thank them for it.  


This National Executive Committee is aware of the awful treatment of On Trak Agency Workers and Outsourced Workers as a whole across the industry, the constant race to the bottom needs to be halted in its tracks, this is just another example of exploitation of the hard-working many for profits of a few.


On Trak asking their employees many of whom are on zero hours contracts to provide deposits of £50 and £10 respectively for a mobile phone and PPE that should be provided by the employer is disgraceful.


Therefore, this National Executive Committee instructs the General Secretary to write to On Trak and instruct them to cease this practice of deposits for equipment and PPE and also write to Southern GTR highlighting to them this practice and calling on them to intervene.  


The fact that there has been an increase in Agency/Casual Labour across the Southern GTR contract highlights the need for a proper recruitment drive to be enacted as such was agreed to when they agreed to the MOU. 


Relevant Branches & Members to be informed by Email and Text.   


I am acting in line with these instructions.


Please bring this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary