Haemoglobin Testing - Mobile Operation Managers - Network Rail

Dear Colleague


Further to my recent circular NP/35/18, 16th February 2018, I have received further reports from your representatives who have received feedback off MOM grades from across the country who have raised a number of concerns over the voluntary status, accountability and additional responsibilities involved in the blood sampling and testing kits. Your National Executive Committee has agreed the following:

“We note the concerns of our MOM Grades and as such instruct the General Secretary to inform Network Rail that imposition of responsibilities in this issue sits with the BTP and as such this union instructs all members to not accept any role in the Haemoglobin testing, even voluntarily. All members to be advised. All regional councils and branches to be informed.”

I am acting in accordance with this instruction. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary