Health and Safety Reps Identification Poster & the Trade Union Bill Poster

Our Ref: HSR/1/11
Head Office Circular: NP/202/15
21st October 2015

The Secretary

Dear Colleague

Health and Safety Reps Identification Poster & the Trade Union Bill Poster

Following requests for notice board posters to be produced from head office for RMT Health & Safety Representatives, I am able to confirm that they have now been designed and printed up, and are ready for distribution to branch’s, this will take place shortly.

Further, the present Tory government are pressing ahead with the obnoxious Trade Union Bill through parliament, this will have a genuine knock on effect if successful, in curtailing our trade union safety reps activities and effectiveness in the workplace and beyond. In conjunction with the TUC a poster has been designed and printed, and it is also ready for distribution to branches, please look to have it posted on RMT Health & Safety notice boards. Additional information can be found on

Requests for additional copies are to be made to Garry Hassell in the safety department.  

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary