Our ref: HSR

Head Office Circular: NP/61/24

8th March 2024

To: The Secretary

All branches and Regional Councils


Dear Colleague,



RMT Women’s safety rep recruitment campaign. I write today on 8th March - International Women’s Day (IWD) - a day that came out of the struggle of working-class women in New York in 1908 to form trade unions and the fight for votes for women, followed by women in Russia when in 1917 International Women’s Day was the flashpoint for the Russian Revolution. We use the day to raise the voice of women in the trade union movement – as women now form over half of the total trade union membership in the UK. In connection with the issue of organising women workers. I want to take this opportunity to draw attention to the urgent need to recruit more RMT women safety reps.  As part of RMT campaign to address this please see new RMT poster which encourages women to volunteer as safety reps:, I will also be sending out hard copies of the poster for display on workplace noticeboards. 

Young workers health and safety, I recently organised an online event for RMT young members at which there was a discussion about health and safety matters and members were encouraged to get organised by becoming safety reps. In terms of the health and safety matters for young workers and for their representatives to be aware of please see this new RMT advice sheet:


Workers Memorial Day, fast approaches on 28th April, the theme this year is “Climate risks for workers”.   Please organise branch events on and around Workers Memorial Day.   If you need any RMT safety reps HV vests or clipboards for your event, please let RMT h&s section know on


Yours sincerely


Michael Lynch

General Secretary