Our Ref: HSR/1/14

Head Office Circular: NP/137/18

24th July 2018

To: The Secretary





Dear Colleague,




Following on from a consistent period of high temperature and lack of rainfall the Met Office yesterday issued a weather warning:




The advice given by the Met Office in their amber warning is as follows:


“Advice: Stay out of the sun. Keep your home as cool as possible – shading windows and shutting them during the day may help. Open them when it is cooler at night. Keep drinking fluids. If there's anybody you know, for example an older person living on their own, who might be at special risk, make sure they know what to do.


Advice on how to reduce the risk either for yourself or somebody you know can be obtained from NHS Choices at www.nhs.uk/summerhealth, NHS 111 or from your local chemist.”


Clearly while the Met Office advice is mainly offered to vulnerable members of the community it also has implications for workers required to be out of doors during such weather. There is no maximum workplace temperature for workers in this country (although one exists for the transport of livestock). RMT have for many years been campaigning for maximum workplace temperatures and have produced a policy document outlining our demands (see attached document).


I will be instructing Regional Officers to ensure our policy is followed by the employers.


Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary