Our ref: HSR/2/4
Head Office Circular: NP/240/22
27th October 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Your Biennial RMT Offshore Industrial Organising Conference (BIOC) 2022 carried the following resolution:
We call upon the Offshore BIOC to use all and every available resource to ensure Diving Companies increase and standardised the stabilisation period post blowing down into saturation and being called upon to either dive to carry out internal diving bell checks.
Travelling time taken to mobilise to the vessel and or previous shifts carried out prior to blowing down into saturation should also be taken into consideration. With the aim to achieve the elimination of additional physical and mental fatigue prior to carrying out diving operations and to determine the safe period for post blow down stabilisation, the RMT should take advice from the respective RMT reps in consultation with the members.
A Special Meeting of your National Executive Committee (NEC) on 25th October 2022 resolved as follows:
That we note the aim of the BIOC is to achieve the elimination of additional physical and mental fatigue prior to carrying out diving operations and to determine the safe period for post blowdown stabilisation.
We instruct the General Secretary to seek a report of identifying the concerns of our reps/members, from the respective Lead Officer to the NEC for further consideration. All affected members, Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary