Our Ref: HSR/2/6
Head Office Circular: NP/279/21
30th July 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Further to Head Office Circular NP/258/21, dated 20th July 2021, I received a letter from the company setting out steps that had been taken to resolve this issue, including joint inspection by a RMT representative and ORR (Office of the Rail Regulator) of the Signal Box and correspondence from the Lead Officer setting out a list of outstanding issues.
This list of outstanding issues formed the basis of discussion at a meeting between RMT Lead Officer and the Company. And although there are still issues to be resolved, there is now more confidence that the Company will take RMT concerns seriously and a structure is in place to ensure RMT representatives will be updated as these actions are worked through.
Following receipt of the letter from the Company, your National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved as follows at its meeting on 29th July:
That we note the report from the lead officer and welcome the new approach from the company to our members safety and that of all who work on and around the Island Line.
Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to take up in line with the report.
Affected members and SWR branches to be advised by text and email.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep members advised of any developments.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary