I.S.S. – Dispute - Accommodation - Edinburgh

Our Ref: HSR/2/14
Head Office Circular: NP/172/18
5th September 2018

The Secretary

Dear Colleague

I.S.S. – Dispute - Accommodation - Edinburgh

Further to my previous circular, NP/112/18. 22nd June 2018, where we highlighted the failures by the employer to provide adequate accommodation at the above named location, your National Executive Committee have agreed the following;

“We note the report on file from the Lead Officer with regards to the on-going situation with ISS accommodation at Edinburgh and that this matter has not been rectified to our satisfaction. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to inform the company that we are in dispute and to ballot all our affected ISS members at Edinburgh for strike action and action short of strike at the earliest opportunity. Branches and regional council to be informed.”

I am acting in accordance with this instruction. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary