Landslips and Flooding on Scotland’s Railway Infrastructure

Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/293/21
6th August 2021
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


Further to Head Office Circular NP/141/21, dated 30th April 2021, your National Executive Committee (NEC) met on 5th August 2021 to discuss a report from its Health and Safety Sub-Committee, following a meeting when the Subcommittee considered a report received from Lead Officer (Scotland) and I from when we attended with Network Rail to discuss landslips and flooding issues.

At this meeting Network Rail informed us of the measures they are taking to deal with what is a long-term and permanent set of developments - given the changing climate and weather conditions - and the ageing railway infrastructure. This Company approach in Scotland builds on what is a national approach - but is most pressing in Scotland.

The report adopted by the NEC is as follows:

We note the report on file.

The General Secretary is instructed to monitor the situation in conjunction with the Lead Officer.

Any updates to be placed before this NEC.

Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.

I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary