Our Ref: HSR/2/1
Head Office Circular: NP/0122/18
4th July 2018
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


I write further to Head Office Circular NP/018/18, 30th February 2018.

The matter has been placed infront of your National Executive committee and they have agreed the following decisions;

“That we refer to decision No175 of the 30th January 2018 and that to date we have not received a response in regards this issue from the Bermudan Flag State or the International Transport Workers Federation. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write again to the Bermudan flag state requesting assurances that they are taking the issue of lifeboat safety as a serious concern.
Also we write to Steve Cotton at the ITF requesting they become involved in this most serious issue. Further reports to be placed back before this NEC. Maritime Branches to be advised”.

I am in the process of carrying out those decisions.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary