Our Ref: HSR/1/19
Head Office Circular: NP/248/22
4th November 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I encourage members to visit the RMT website, in particular the Maritime Health and Safety page here where you will find latest MCA updates, together with the Yale Research Report – ‘Seafarer Health: Research to Date and Current Practices’: Yale Report and the Seafarers Hospital Society’s discussion paper entitled ‘Seafarers’ Health: On Course for a Culture of Care’: Seafarers' Health.
I also encourage you to visit the Maritime Mental Health Campaign page: Maritime Mental Health - rmt, where you will find further useful resources.
The Seafarers Hospital Society’s discussion paper outlines a data tracking framework for seafarer wellbeing. The Society commends the attached discussion paper as the first step in its strategy to enable clear, measurable, pragmatic changes to create a culture of care in shipping. It hopes to engage further with seafarers and their representatives, including unions and other stakeholders to collaborate on building a culture of care in shipping. The feedback gathered will help in offering tangible suggestions for changes that ship owners and operators, seeking to improve the physical and psychological health of crew working onboard their vessels may use, develop, and incorporate into their existing systems.
Finally, a new poster has just been produced as part of RMT’s continuing campaign to highlight maritime mental health issues; your Branch Secretary and Regional Office will be able to supply you with them and there is also a small stock at Head Office.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary