Our ref: HSR/4/2

Head Office Circular: NP/12/23

16th January 2023

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,




As part of the continued campaign to bring Health and Safety to the forefront of the Maritime agenda with the aim to improve members’ understanding of and participation in health and safety in the workplace, your Lead Officer proposed a number of objectives which should be used as part of the Maritime Health and Safety strategy for in 2023.


At its meeting on 12th January, your National Executive Committee resolved as follows:


We instruct the General Secretary:


  • To continually update a national matrix for Health and Safety Reps within the Maritime sector


  • To identify potential Health and Safety Reps


  • To provide full training and support for all elected Health and Safety Reps


  • To continue to pursue improved workforce involvement and engagement through effective Safety Committees and mandatory training for Safety Reps and Safety Officers at national level meetings within the maritime sector


  • To furnish members with a greater understanding of Health and Safety legislation in their particular sector


  • To produce a quarterly Health and Safety newsletter with a dedicated section on the union’s work around mental health that is to be issued to members via text and email


  • To continually monitor Health and Safety representation


  • To revise the RMT Maritime Health and Safety publications


  • To put Health and Safety on an equal footing with industrial matters in the workplace.



I am acting in accordance with these instructions.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members. 


Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary