Our ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/038/21
27 January 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
I write to inform you that the RMT National Executive Committee met on 21st January 2021 to discuss the following resolution from Finsbury Park Branch:
We note that reports suggest that one in four people will experience mental ill-health. We further note that for many people, mental ill-health can classify them as a disabled person.
We acknowledge that due to social stigma, it is difficult to speak out about mental ill-health, and that when people do, it helps to break that stigma. When our members speak out about their mental ill-health, they deserve our full support.
We affirm that mocking and belittling people on the grounds of their mental ill-health is unacceptable to this union, and that we will not tolerate this behaviour to or from our members.
In relation to this, when the RMT National Executive Committee met on 21 January agreed the following:
We note the resolution from Finsbury Park Branch.
The General Secretary is instructed to issue a Circular to all members in all sectors confirming that the contents of the resolution are in line with RMT’s policy.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.
I am therefore happy to confirm that the confirm that the contents of the resolution are in line with RMT’s policy.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary