Our Ref: HSR/4/17
Head Office Circular: NP/102/15
1st June 2015

The Secretary

Dear Colleague,

Migrant Workers

Please find attached a new publication from the T.U.C. in relation to migrant workers, it will prove to be a valuable tool for our reps in both the Industrial and Health & Safety sectors where we organise.

Working together is the key to continued industrial success and safer workplaces.

The booklet covers a wide range of issues and is well set out to assist our members & representatives on matters such as Welfare, PPE, Risk Assessment, Employment Status, Accident Reporting, First Aid Provision, Training and Working Together, along with detailed case studies.

There are contact web-sites towards the end of the booklet which can provide members and reps with further information as and when required.

The booklet can be downloaded from the following address;


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary