National Health and Safety Advisory Committee 2016-2018 Nomination Process

Our Ref: HSR/5/8

Head Office Circular: NP/196/15

14th October 2015


The Secretary





Dear Colleague


National Health and Safety Advisory Committee 2016-2018 Nomination Process


Further to Head Office Circular NP/192/15, 14th October 2015, no nominations were received in respect of the above election from Branches in Council of Executives Region No.5 and all Shipping Regions. This Circular is a further call for nominations for these constituencies.


Nominations are to be in accordance with Rule 12B. The period of office for the above posts is three years from 1st January 2016.


The National Health and Safety Advisory Committee meets a minimum of four times per year to advise the Council of Executives on matters relevant to the Committee. The Committee consists of one Health and Safety Representative from each Council of Executives electoral region. Once the new Committee has been established, a Liaison Committee will be elected at the next National Health and Safety Conference, comprising three members of the Advisory Committee. Arrangements will also be made for one member of the Liaison Committee to chair the Conference.




Branches are invited to submit nominations for one representative from Council of Executives General Grades Region No.5 and Shipping Grades Regions to serve on the Committee. Please note that the representation is based on the electoral Regions and is not company or grade based. At the closing date for nominations, candidates must be:


  • A Health and Safety Representative
  • Employed as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1 (a), (b) or (c)
  • Up to date with contributions


A list of Branches and their relevant electoral region is attached. 



If your Branch wants to send other Branches details of your nominee's qualifications, the circular will need to be forwarded to Head Office in accordance with Rule 13, Clause 11,12 and 13. Please note the following:


  • the circular must be signed by the candidate and at least two Branch Officers, or the Shipping Branch Organiser. It must also bear the date on which it was signed.
  • it must not contain photographs of the nominee
  • your Branch must have made its nomination either before or at the same time  as you submit your circular


When your circular is received at Head Office, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the Branch. Once a circular has been authorised, it will be returned for distribution.


Rule 13 states that other election circulars are now permitted. However, the Rule states, "A member, candidate or Branch responsible for the composition of any election circulars shall ensure that, while it may raise debate on policy for the Union, this being wholly correct in the conduct of free and democratic elections:


(a)        it does not advocate fascist or racist views or in way contravenes this Union's policies against discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation;

(b)        it is neither libellous nor impugns the good name of the Union or its members.

(c)        it is circulated solely within the Union for use of members only and is regarded
as private and confidential and is not published or otherwise disclosed outside
the Union."


A nomination form is enclosed, together with a list of Branches in the various electoral regions. Completed nominations must be returned to Head Office by the closing date for nominations, which is Friday 11th December 2015. When the nomination form is received, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the Branch.




If a ballot is necessary, ballot papers will be sent to Branches immediately following the close of nominations.


Please acknowledge receipt of this circular and nomination form immediately, by completing and returning the attached slip.


Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary



To: General Secretary, RMT  HSR/5/8


Election of Representatives to the National Health and Safety Advisory Committee


I confirm that I have received Circular No. NP/196/15 of 14th October 2015 and the nomination form in connection with this election.



        (Branch Secretary)




Branch Stamp







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