Our ref: HSR/2/23
Head Office Circular: NP/377/20
27th October 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
RMT’s National Health and Safety Conference will be held in the Earl of Doncaster Hotel, Bennetthorpe, Doncaster DN2 6AD (www.theearl.co.uk) on Wednesday 23rd February 2022. In line with previous practice a training course will be provided to all delegates and will be related to the conference theme. In the past this has made it easier for delegates to obtain release with pay from their employers.
As in previous years the 2022 Health and Safety Conference will have a theme; this year’s theme will look at the role of the Safety Representative in the Covid/post-Covid “brave new world” – the training course will be highlighting the basics that often slip under the radar. It will look at the role of Safety Reps, Safety Committees, etc, and how to undertake risk assessments and workplace inspections, for example, and focus on issues that have become more apparent over recent months such as ventilation, the workplace environment, pollution (for example diesel) and the impact of climate change. For reps with more experience, the training will highlight what support there is available for reps post-training, and how to get more involved in Safety Committees, the union branch and the union more widely.
As part of the conference programme all delegates will be allocated a place on the RMT’s new training course which will be offered either the day before Conference, Tuesday 22nd February 2022, or the day after, Thursday 24th February 2021. The training course will take place both at the hotel and at the Bob Crow National Education Centre (BCNEC) in Doncaster 47-51 Thorne Road, Doncaster DN1 2EX. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Potential delegates are asked to express their preference on the attached nomination form. To equally spread delegates across the training courses and to balance numbers, delegates who do not comply with the cut-off date for nominations may have to be allocated to a less busy course. Given the restrictions in numbers allowed per room, this will be strictly observed and members are asked to be understanding.
The BCNEC can accommodate a maximum of 36. Delegates are encouraged to book accommodation at the earliest opportunity (y.thiede@rmt.org.uk), advising the following: which nights are required, and on which days breakfast and/or evening meal will be required; also include in your email any dietary requirements and/or mobility issues.
The Earl of Doncaster offers a discounted event bed & breakfast rate (Please mention that you are attending the RMT Conference when booking).
Branches and Regional Councils are invited to nominate General or Shipping Grades members to attend conference who are, where possible, accredited Health and Safety Representatives. A nomination form is attached and may be photocopied, if necessary. Additional forms are also available from Head Office on request. Completed nomination forms should be returned by email to Head Office (m.santamera@rmt.org.uk) by the closing date of Friday 10th December 2021. Please ensure that your email address is appended to your form.
Branches and Regional Councils are also invited to submit suitable resolutions, relevant to health and safety within the transport industry as a whole. In order to improve Conference organisation and efficiency and to ensure the final agenda is delivered to delegates earlier than in previous years, Resolutions must be submitted to Head Office (m.santamera@rmt.org.uk) by the closing date of Friday 10th December 2021.
The agenda and final conference arrangements will be sent to Branches and delegates early in the New Year 2022.
There is no limit on the amount of delegates any one Branch may nominate. Branches are advised that it is appropriate that, where necessary, delegates’ expenses can be funded from the Branch Management Fund or by Regional Council as appropriate. In line with AGM item No.64, 2005, delegates should attempt to secure paid release from their employer. In cases where paid release is not secured and branches have insufficient funds they can apply to Head Office for a £35 delegate fee for up to six delegates. Delegates must be nominated by the branch to receive this rate.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary