Network Rail – HAVs Watches

Our Ref: HSR/2/6
Head Office Circular: NP/148/18
8th August 2018

The Secretary

Dear Colleague

Network Rail – HAVs Watches

There has been a proposal from Network Rail Scotland to trial the use of HAV watches, this to aid in the monitoring of workers being exposed to vibration. The company believe this will allow for better work planning and in the procurement of new tools amongst other benefits around risk and reducing exposure.

On considering a report of their Health and Safety Sub Committee, your National Executive Committee made the following decision:

That we note the company’s intention to trial this technology in Scotland route. This NEC agrees to a structured trial with the participation of our representatives with a report to be placed before this NEC. The General Secretary to inform the company that while we agree to participate in the trial, full implementation and deployment of the technology needs to be consulted via the National Maintenance Council, including associated data control issues.

Branches and Regional Councils be advised.

I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary