Our ref: HSR/2/29

Head Office Circular: NP/183/23

13th October 2023

To: The Secretary





Dear Colleague,




Following receipt of a report that an RMT member received the above outcome at an Independent Review Panel (IRP), the company responded to RMT’s protest by saying that the outcome of ‘reckless contravention without personal gain’ was erroneously added to its IRIS system and, once this was identified, was removed from the system in June 2023 so it could not be used for future investigations. The Chairs of its IRPs have been briefed to ensure that any existing investigations that come to IRPs will be returned to the investigator to change this outcome to one in full alignment with the Fair Culture process 


Your National Executive Committee, at its meeting on 12th October 2023, noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety Sub-committee:


We note the response on file from the company.


The General Secretary is instructed to inform members in Network Rail that the outcome of ‘reckless contravention without personal gain’ does not exist and should therefore not appear as an Independent Review Panel (IRP) outcome. It was erroneously added to Network Rail’s IRIS system and was removed from the system in June 2023 so it cannot be used for future investigations. The Chairs of the company’s IRPs are being briefed to ensure that any existing investigations that come to IRPs will be returned to the investigator to change this outcome to one in full alignment with the Fair Culture process. 


Should any member be aware of any such outcome, they should bring the matter to the attention of the union for rectification. 


Any updates to be placed back before this NEC.


Branches and Regional Councils to be notified.


I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members. 


Yours sincerely



Michael Lynch

General Secretary