Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/137/15
31st July 2015
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Network Rail – Roles & Responsibilities Programme
Further to Head Office Circular NP/119/15 and following meetings with the ORR and Network Rail I write to update you on progress with this important matter. The General Grades Committee have noted and adopted the following report.
“We note the reports and response from the company on the file and that although the company have conceded there will be no further roll-out of SWL to other areas of the country they wish to continue to progress with development of the initiative in the E. Midlands area.
We also note that due to RMT intervention the ORR have become concerned with the situation and have described the process currently adopted by the company as chaotic, that the ORR have identified bad management processes and poor safety culture. The company have made further concessions and commitments to this union including further engagement and briefing processes with the full involvement of RMT reps.
We instruct our representatives to continue to engage with the company within the agreed timescales placed on the company by the ORR and instruct our representatives to report back to this GGC by 14th August 2015 on progress. If progress is not satisfactory by this date then we instruct the General Secretary to inform the company that we are withdrawing all co-operation on this project.
We further understand that our representatives are not being provided adequate release from their normal duties and instruct the General Secretary to ensure that appropriate release is granted immediately.
Branches and Regional Councils be advised.”
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of any further developments. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary