Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/163/15
7th September 2015
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Network Rail – Roles and Responsibilities Programme
Further to Head Office Circular NP/159/15, 25th August 2015, the General Grades Committee (GGC) have again considered this matter. In line with the previous Decision members of the GGC met with your East Midlands Representatives, the Lead Officer and the Health and Safety Officer on 3rd September 2015. At this meeting it was reported that there remain concerns with the way the programme continues to be implemented and that there are now issues with a perceived deterioration in front-line worker safety when controlled by Safe Work Leader.
On considering the report of the meeting the GGC have noted and adopted the following resolution:
Noting the report of the meeting with our East Midlands Representatives this GGC is of the view that the implementation of the Safe Work Leader scheme in the East Midland is far from acceptable despite the assurances given by Network Rail and efforts of our Representatives.
The GS is therefore instructed to write to Network Rail, copying in the ORR, setting out this Union’s position as follows:
• Software issues around the Proscient system remain unacceptable with no clear rectification in sight.
• Resourcing issues especially with regard to the availability, numbers and workloads of planners remain unacceptable.
• That the implementation of SWL in the East Midlands remains confused, chaotic and lacking in direction and as such creates a potential risk to our members that we cannot tolerate,
• That this Union withdraws its support for the PDSW/SWL programme in its current form and that we demand that it is withdrawn in the East Midlands before 1st October 2015 and that the national roll-out of the programme is halted entirely until the problems with the programmes are adequately addressed to our satisfaction.
Further the GS is instructed to contact the RSSB to ascertain whether a joint inquiry in to this programme would be appropriate.
Branches and Regional Councils be advised.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and have written to Network Rail and RSSB with our demands. I will keep you informed of any further developments. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary