Our ref: HSR

Head Office Circular: NP/209/24

16th August 2024

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague




I have recently received a report from RMT lead Health and Safety representatives for T3 Possessions – following a RSSB risk assessment discussion he attended on worksite marker boards (WSMBs) use in possessions without trains. 


RMT provided RSSB with feedback following the meeting, which explained that a crucial element in establishing a safe system of work is the use of visual boundaries and restricted areas - particularly as most T3 Engineering work is carried out at night. Visual boundaries, and restricted areas, such as worksites with the use of WSMB, are fundamental components of a safe system of work during T3 Possessions. They not only control the access and egress and regulate OTP (On-Track Plant) and OTM (On-Track Machines) speed and movement, but they also highlight different potential hazards within dedicated areas of the possession. Clearly marked worksites with WSMB alert workers and drivers to potential hazards and direct foot traffic away from hazardous work. 


            At its meeting on 15th August 2024, your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety Sub-committee from when it met to consider the matters outlined as above:


            The General Secretary is instructed to thank Chris Knibb for his work on this report - and toadd the report to the file.


            The General Secretary to note that RMT policy will be to oppose the removal of WSBMs from T3 Possessions, should Network Rail propose doing this. 


            Branches and Regional Councils to be informed accordingly. 


            I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely,


Michael Lynch,

General Secretary