Our Ref: HSR/2/15
Head Office Circular: NP/023/17
9th February 2017
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Network Rail – Track Worker Protection 019+
Further to my previous circular NP/010/17, 20th January 2017, there have been a number of further meetings with the company which has resulted in a further review of the union’s stance towards engagement with management on their revised approach to track worker protection. On considering the reports of these meetings and the feedback of our representatives the National Executive Committee have noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note the report on file from the meeting with the company and the feedback from our Lead Union Health and Safety Reps and Health and Safety Officers. We further note that our representatives had raised 35 areas of concern with the new standard, 50% of these had been accepted by the company prior to the meeting and the remaining issues have been answered to our satisfaction at the meeting. We have also been advised that the proposed trial at Barking DU will have a specific remit to address resource issues which have been fundamental to our concerns over the revised standard.
With this in mind we instruct the General Secretary to contact the company and advise them of our revised position on engagement. Our representatives on the Barking trial to be Bros A Clews, R Marney and T Bowers. The trial is to be independently verified by an external contractor and we further instruct the General Secretary to nominate Bros C Adair and AJ Yates to represent the union on the trial steering group.
In addition, the General Secretary is also instructed to obtain from the company details of how the 019+ Programme Board is to be operated.
Branches, Regional Councils and our nominated representatives be advised.
I am acting in accordance with this instruction. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary